Lack of interest God Mode for XF ~like Windows10

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Well-known member
If you create a folder in Win 10 on the desktop and give it the following name:
All work.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
and save it
then you no longer have to laboriously search in different places, but all the settings are available in an ordered list.
That would be nice for XF too. :D ( Possibly even experimental possibilities? :unsure: )
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If you create a folder in Win 10 on the desktop and give it the following name:
All work.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
and save it
then you no longer have to laboriously search in different places, but all the settings are available in an ordered list.
That would be nice for XF too. :D ( Possibly even experimental possibilities? :unsure: )
Aren't they kinda in an ordered list already? I mean they are grouped but. I feel like listing all the settings in one file could be dangerous.
Aren't they kinda in an ordered list already? I mean they are grouped but. I feel like listing all the settings in one file could be dangerous.
Could, but only those who know what he's doing should work in the ACP. So the danger is low.

The benefit for admins like me, on the other hand, is very high because I am only 2 clicks away from a lot, instead of ~ 5 clicks and many menus...


And in God Mode, advanced options should be available, for example there is no checkbox that moderators should also have access if the board is closed...


So the God Mode should contain everything that the programmers of XF classify as "dangerous" and therefore have not yet included it as an option. e.g. an editor for config.php and so on.

God Mode in XF should be available for admins who know what they are doing and therefore do not need to be patronized :D
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I don't know what "God Mode" entails, but ACP should be permission-based that allows certain individuals, by user group, to access and change certain parts of the forum setup and do administrative duties, if that's what this post is about.

Example: I want a designer to have "Appearance" permissions but not the ability to export or delete a user and a moderator the option to delete a user (with a sub-permission to put it as "approval" for an admin in the moderation queue to approve or not). I could come up with dozens of more permission-based ACP options, but, I feel as if each option had its own permission (such as the ability to change SMTP settings) that it'd be one hell of a rewrite and to only allow trusted people in the ACP anyway.
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