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Give Forum Node Icons "Mark Forum as Read" Links


Well-known member
VincentU submitted a new resource:

Give Forum Node Icons "Mark Forum as Read" Links (version 1.0) - Gives your Forum Node Icons a "Mark Forum as Read" link


If you want your Unread Forum Node Icons to be "Mark Forum as Read" link for Registered Users.

  • It will only be a link if you're a Registered User, so not to guests.
  • It will only be a link if the forum has unread posts.
Go to the template called node_forum_level_2 and replace the following code:
 <span class="nodeIcon" title="{xen:if '{$forum.hasNew} OR !{$visitor.user_id}', '{xen:phrase unread_messages}', ''}"></span>


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Awesome! Thanks, this was a missed functionality that vB had.

That said, when you click the node icon you get the pop-up asking if you want to mark the clicked forum as read or all forums. This is great. But when you select either option, you are taken into the forum you clicked on, instead of staying on the forum home page. Anyone know how to achieve the latter?
Not working in the latest version of XEN.

Instead the code has changed to:

<div class="nodeInfo forumNodeInfo primaryContent {xen:if $forum.hasNew, 'unread'}">
<span class="nodeIcon" title="{xen:if $forum.hasNew, '{xen:phrase unread_messages}', ''}"></span>

How do you fix?
Not working in the latest version of XEN.

Instead the code has changed to:

<div class="nodeInfo forumNodeInfo primaryContent {xen:if $forum.hasNew, 'unread'}">
<span class="nodeIcon" title="{xen:if $forum.hasNew, '{xen:phrase unread_messages}', ''}"></span>

How do you fix?

First post updated, that should work :)
Nice little mod thanks, just one problem and unsure if it can be fixed. Doesn't update to show the forum has been marked as read, have to manually refresh to achieve this.

Is it possible for this to be done automatically?
Nice little mod thanks, just one problem and unsure if it can be fixed. Doesn't update to show the forum has been marked as read, have to manually refresh to achieve this.

Is it possible for this to be done automatically?

Yes, this is possible. I'll have to do some research for this though :)

I'll come back at this!
This will probably be made when XF 1.2 is out, since it will be easier :)
I'm sorry for the wait..
I reverted my templates when i upgraded to 1.2 and wasnt sure if this still worked?? scratch that... Works like a charm.. Happy to have this back..
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