XF 2.0 German translation xenforo 2?

I don't get it why is the translation thing so badly done?

Couldn't we make a github repo where everybody can commit as a community?
There are opensource programs which have like 20 languages, it is just a list and managing it.
Why doesn't have XenForo a GitHub Repo for that?
I am sure this would be a work of a few days a specially when you crowdsource it.

Instead, there is nothing really useful?
Give me 5 grand and I will do 20+ languages.
Or you dedicate only one guy in the team for 1-2 weeks... and he will do the job cheaper.
These Days, a 15-year-old can develop a tool and bring it out with 27+ languages, open source. I am sure he is less language talented than you since you are a moderator.

What does Ackuna do?

With Ackuna, the same concept is applied to crowdsourcing translation projects for websites and apps. Ackuna currently has over 6,000 active translators/bi-lingual speakers in their user base. When a project is uploaded, translators in the requested language pairs will be notified and those who choose to work on your project will volunteer their expertise to either translate the new text, vote up or down a translation entered by another translator, or supply a different translation (which can then be voted on by others). Once a segment receives the required number of positive votes (determined by you), the segment is considered 'translated'. Once all the segments are translated, your project is complete, and you can download your newly translated and completely formatted files, free and easy!

Now that you know what Ackuna does, let's take a look at how you use it to crowdsource your project!

Ackuna allows users to upload a number of different native string formats.

The Fun Part... Self Promotion!

Once your project is uploaded, you will receive an email from Ackuna with a link you can spread around (social media, websites, forums, etc.) to promote your project and encourage others who might be interested to take part in the translation process!


You have a big community, with skilled people, deepl.com as an example would translate already 80%, and when you send everybody a mail, I am sure it is a matter of few days until it is fully translated into 10-20+ languages.
Think of it, you will have a much wider range for your Product, and fewer people like me will be disappointed..

Edit: Here is also a list of similar alternatives http://smartlifeblog.com/website-translation-crowdsourcing-services/
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If you desperately need a German translation for 2.x you can either create one yourself (like many others already did), hire somebody to do that for you or simply wait until a manuel translation is available.
Computer generated languge files are available @ xendach.
I dont think it requires something like that. A better translate mode would be much more helpful. Right now you have a phrase and you translate it without knowing where it is used. There are even empty phrases, for tooltips I believe, which probably nobody will ever fill in a translation, because you first translate and later proof read as far as you can (+motivation goes). E.g. there are phrases for vBulletin converters. If the translater does not convert from vBulletin, how should he proof read them? He would require a screenshot of the page where they are used, in order to get the context to make the translation right. Also lot of errors or special pages he will never run into, so he has to take the phrase and translate it 1:1 which is not always "right" (rechts/richtig). One word can have so many meanings and if you don't know the context you just type in something randomly.

The translation itself is nowadays much easier. I used for many phrases google translate. You sometimes have to change "Sie" (a polite form of "you") with "Du" (a form of "you" used for people you know better, which is commenly used on the internet) and some other words according to that, but most of the times I was to lazy to type in the tranlation, so I used copy and paste and put it into google translate instead, especially when you have large walls of text like the privacy policy.
@Kirby, You just didn't understand me?
I think it is a shame, in my opinion, to sell software in the 21 century which includes only one language.
I was disenchanted to see that is so poor.

XenForo costs 160? has only 1 language phpBB ist totally FREE and has at the time of writing 55 languages... (here)
To be honest it is like a joke what you wrote and nearly rude and fully unproductive, Kirby everything that you wrote I knew already!

I know that everything is just an excuse if you shift your work to other people then do it right, @XenForo-Team!
Making a language section, in addons is proven as not enough!!!!!!

The translation section in the admin panel is the right way!!!
When I first saw it, I thought how stupid why is it tended that everybody translates it for them self?
Instead, you could make that part public!
And design it bit different and make it better accessible, and most important centres for everyone!

Or you use the tool/service I linked! #7

@Gamorreaner that's right I thought the same, for several parts you would need a screenshot or link to fully see the context for translation.
But people already translating anyways without this function and find their ways, but why only 1-4 guys if we could make/use a central place, which has less barrier for every customer who could be a part of the sourced crowed.

I have seen that on some important sites like Facebook or so where you have 300 languages, they are impelled to use such tools I linked, as specially when you are a Team of 10-30 people, but you ship out to any country in the hole world.
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But people already translating anyways without this function, but why only 1-4 guys if we could make/use a central place, which has less barrier.

I have seen that on some important sites like facebook or so where you have 300 languages, they are impelled to use such tools I linked, as specially when you are a Team of 10-30 people, but you ship out to any country.

You basicly just need one forum, where several people have access too (forum + ACP). I've seen a group translation on IPB4, where the IPB-user TheSonic organized the translation on his german ipb-support-site (don't remember the name). I think they only needed a few months for this, because people are willing to contribute (especially germans!). The problem with the german translation for xf2 is the german community outsite of this forum and the lack of organization within this (for obvious reasons, we can't discuss in german here). If XF would have a better german community outside of this forum, there would have been a translation a year ago, but as Kirby said, everyone is just translating for themself. If there is no leadership nobody follows and the german communitys have as bad admins as they have regular members.

PS: This shortcut for "code" in xf editor really sucks.
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It does not matter really I am speaking of a central place for all languages.

Here the MOST important Projects in the HOLE WORLD which used CrowdSourced Translation, by crowdin.com.




Joel Marcey
Developer Advocate, Facebook

“When we developed Docusaurus to make it easy to create great open source websites, localization was a primary support feature. Crowdin has made it easy for those websites to add translations, helping project owners provide a more global documentation reach. And the Crowdin support team is awesome!”



Zeke Sikelianos
Senior Engineer, GitHub

“When we evaluated localization options for the Electron project, Crowdin stood apart from the competition. It’s free for open source projects, it integrates well with GitHub, and has moderation controls for managing large translator communities. Crowdin’s support and engineering staff are also friendly and helpful.”


Some CMS:


Here all companies listed with testimonials:

The following is copied from quora.com back 2012
What is the most successful translation crowdsourcing project and why?

Outlining the projects that are not “Facebook popular” but pretty successful in crowdsourcing, I would say:
Facebook has used crowdsourcing to translate their website, as well as Twitter. Those would have to be the biggest companies at the present moment that have utilized the crowdsourcing platform.

In terms of translation companies, this crowdsourcing platform seems to be the best concept so far to reduce the cost of professional translations and/or to improve the accuracy of machine translations. Smartling is one translation company whose entire business runs on the crowdsourcing platform. They host your website on their servers, and through their program, they offer an easy to use service for translators to translate or edit text directly on the website. You can also invite specific translators (for instance, bilingual employees) to translate your site, thus ensuring accuracy and content knowledge.

The company I work for, Translation Services USA also has their own crowdsource translation platform through Ackuna and Translation Cloud apps. If you have text you wish to crowdsource, you can use go to http://www.ackuna.com, type in the text and it will translate it for free through a machine translation. Then, if you click on the 'Proofread' button, it will be sent to Translation Cloud http://www.translationcloud.net, the crowdsource platform for Facebook, where translators can sign in using their Facebook accounts to translate your text. Measures are in place to ensure accuracy.

For right now, until machine translation inherently becomes more accurate, crowdsourcing translations seem to be the most cost effective and fastest alternative to traditional translation methods.


Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been crowdsourcing their translations pretty successfully. Twitter has more than 100.000 translators, where Laura i. Gómez and her team are rocking hard.

There are a number of open-source projects which also crowdsource their translations very successfully, such as Fedora (http://fedora.transifex.com/), GNOME and others.
4.3k Views · View 4 Upvoters

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-successful-translation-crowdsourcing-project-and-why
In the resources of XenDach.de you can find translations (Deutsch [Du]) for XF2.1, the Resource Manager and the XF Media Gallery.

If I find failures in the translations or users report it to me in XenDach I fix it in my translation files (see the resources of mph in XenDach). And for updates of XF and the both official add-ons I update the translations. It was about 10000 phrases to translate. The first run for XF2.0.12 took two weeks of my holidays. The next update will be latest with the next version of XF. But for people who complain about it I should thinking about taking money for it :-)
In the resources of XenDach.de you can find translations (Deutsch [Du]) for XF2.1, the Resource Manager and the XF Media Gallery.

If I find failures in the translations or users report it to me in XenDach I fix it in my translation files (see the resources of mph in XenDach). And for updates of XF and the both official add-ons I update the translations. It was about 10000 phrases to translate. The first run for XF2.0.12 took two weeks of my holidays. The next update will be latest with the next version of XF. But for people who complain about it I should thinking about taking money for it :)

I guess they are not complaining about your work, since there is nothing better.
They are complaining about how xenforo could focus crowd translation.
I am sure there are hundreds of people who are willing to help, but to lazy or don't even think about the possibility to write you and correct things.

As Example you will understand, I have an account for wikipedia, and registration took 2 seconds, and i was immediately cable to correct or add things, and just hours later one of the many "moderators" pressed the ok button for pubic release, and i had corrected for millions of people an article with very less effort of 2 people, because of the fragmentation of millions of people who contribute.

I am sure if wikipedia were run by just email conversations and only 1 moderator for every article, then wikipedia wouldn't be not by far so big.

Same logic for open source,... nobody shames @XenForo for not translating, i am shaming them, because with a little effort of providing a central place they could provide everly translation, like I said #12 Microsoft, Facebook all the biggest products on earth are crowd sourced translated... it is just stupid from Xenforo sense, because they would build it onetime only and it will work for ever for all x.x version of xenforo. Also there are already finished platforms even with professional user, like crowdin.com this is no time of effort. And even my 14 year old brothers is capable to provide 74 languages, for an iPhone app. So this is really no effort compared to what xenforo already achieved, and if my little brother can handle that,.. then i am questioning the product..
Don't talk, just do it. If you spend the same time in translations that you're spending writing such posts... :rolleyes:

Go to http://www.packal.org/search/site, I used Alfred a long time ago and there is no official workflow site since 2013... and there is only one community "repo". And for over 6 years the search doesn't work... you just get a DB error. I don't blame the nice guy who can't spend any more time to do other people's work.

I do open source public work, but not for someone else who's getting money for my work and explicitly when i do the hole work... it has to be pure peer to peer.

Also i tell you, my time is much more worth then doing stupid repetitive work for others, i have to much sense in my life. Partly when i needed it to why not, but dedication to something so simple, no.

What i want is an standard, clean work, that is the reason why i bought XenForo, otherwise i could have stayed at ****ty phpBB which has 55 Languages out of the box and it costs CERO. CEEEEROO. oh what a wonder because it is open source...
Please tell me one meaning full reason why it doesn't make sense for you that they open a github repo only for translation, or use free service like Ackuna.com or a serious one for money like Crowdin.com.

Do you know who is all using Crowdin.com? -


Please tell me like one of the biggest companies on earth like Microsoft are using such tools? Are they dump? What are they thinking?
Can you tell me one reason why my own doing would be any better then a nearly already conventional crowd sourcing alternative?
Please one reason..?
It is just one little registration and uploads and downloads for @XenForo Team.

@XenForo answered me once that they have no other language knowledge, as like the few core developers from php could speak all 55 languages...
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