XF 1.5 Gate To Your site

XF has a minimum age field which can be required when registering, but there is no verification performed.

It would require some form of custom development to verify the entered date of birth.
i have find this for example
<html> <header> <title>Check Age!</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var name = window.prompt("Please enter your name:") var ageCheck = window.prompt("Please enter you age:") if (ageCheck < 18) { window.alert("You submited that you are :" + ageCheck + ": years old, " + name + "."); window.alert("You must be at least eighteen years old to visit this site."); location.href = ("http://www.example.com"); } else if (ageCheck > 18 && ageCheck < 101 ) { window.alert("You are old enough to visit the site!"); window.alert("Welcome " + name + "!"); } else { window.alert("You must be honest about your age, " + name + "."); location.href = ("http://www.example.com"); } </script> </header> <body> </body> </html>

how i add to my site?
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