Gamers and Tubers


New member
Hi all, i have started a gamers and yourtubes community site because i want to bring more to the table so that gamers and tubers all are in the one place, and easy to find, i have a separate site on the same server to upload YourTubes videos.

I have installed 5 different types of themes as i wan't my members to make the choice and tell me which one is the best to use, Light / Dark or just colorful.

Please take a look at my site and let me know where to improve to make the site even better, please bare in mind i am still a learner with XF.


Movideon Videos Dark / Lght

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A few observations:
  • Your site name is odd... I don't get it. Explain? Your title is "Gamers and Tubers" yet your site name really doesn't reflect it. How do you even pronounce your name? What about... (just a suggestion - ".com" is taken)
  • I like the idea, but are there other communities out there that offer the same thing? How will you be different?
  • I also think you may have too many forums to start off... it shows lots of empty space. I would start small and as you grow, add forums.
  • Careful with chats as I believe they eat away at forums.
Again, I like the idea, so good luck!

Yes, I couldn't agree more that the domain name is a bit odd. I would suggest coming up with something more relateable to your cause so when someone sees the link, they have some form of idea what they are clicking on.
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