I manage a forum with 1,1 million messages, 40k discussions and 40k registered users.
It has around 2,1k unique visits and 42k page views per day.
The platform currently used is vBulletin and this requires me a VPS with 4 cores and 8 Gb of RAM.
Here are some questions for you:
If I decide to switch to XenForo would I need the same resources on the server? Or is XenForo better performing in the management of the server and SQL queries?
I currently use vBSSO to have a single login on Wordpress and vBulletin. Would I have the same opportunity if I migrated? Would users who are currently recognized on both WP and vB also be recognized by switching to XenForo?
Does the mobile version of the forum allow the upload of photos to be inserted from the mobile phone?
Does the mobile version of the forum allow the display of advertising banners?
I made a bundle between vBulletin and PHPList, is there a plugin that does the same thing?
I manage a forum with 1,1 million messages, 40k discussions and 40k registered users.
It has around 2,1k unique visits and 42k page views per day.
The platform currently used is vBulletin and this requires me a VPS with 4 cores and 8 Gb of RAM.
Here are some questions for you:
If I decide to switch to XenForo would I need the same resources on the server? Or is XenForo better performing in the management of the server and SQL queries?
I currently use vBSSO to have a single login on Wordpress and vBulletin. Would I have the same opportunity if I migrated? Would users who are currently recognized on both WP and vB also be recognized by switching to XenForo?
Does the mobile version of the forum allow the upload of photos to be inserted from the mobile phone?
Does the mobile version of the forum allow the display of advertising banners?
I made a bundle between vBulletin and PHPList, is there a plugin that does the same thing?