Free ProBoards can not move?

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New Joe

Well-known member
I have a friend who has a ProBoard, one of them free ones.
They say they have no access to a data base or files.
They want to run the Forum on their own url and own hosting with real Forum software.

As far as I can tell it's not possible to convert over all the data unless someone here know different?
This is what they use:

Any ideas?
I have a friend who has a ProBoard, one of them free ones.
They say they have no access to a data base or files.
They want to run the Forum on their own url and own hosting with real Forum software.

As far as I can tell it's not possible to convert over all the data unless someone here know different?
This is what they use:

Any ideas?
While its possible (via proboards >smf/phpbb >xenforo) its against the TOS of proboards to move from them.
Thanks for the replies.
Guess they have you by the balls when you sign up for these free hosted Forums.
I guess people aren't bothered at first, as it's fun and free
But once a Forum starts growing and years down the rd you want to move, you can't...
The only way you could do it is through a scraper, however you'd not be able to pull user profiles across, just posts. It'd still be a very messy job.
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