[ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

Not quite.

Your API breaks XF 2 google oauth, ticket logged and acknowledged in May 2018.

Special characters in thread titles such as '&' are not escaped correctly in notifications, reported back in October I believe.

The improvements I requested back in 2017 due to UX being very confusing to members particularly when replying to threads. This is feedback you should've taken to the bank. You showed me something in Aug (replica of another app) that you said should be ready in 2-4 weeks.

I won't mention search support that you've talked about for 6 months as a priority yet I've yet to see it.

Conversation notifications no longer click to convo page. A number of notification types are no longer working consistently and clicking into the correct context on android 8.1. I've not reported this as you stopped responding to my emails.

No updates or improvements for how long?

Buddy you need a roadmap and some help. Simply saying you'll focus on taking on more customers is an insult to those that have stuck with you since the first beta. Please address.
I’ll have to check if OAuth 2 issues were marked fixed, but I remember taking a look at them and they were breaking on your forum only. Nobody else has reported it since you reported it.

& has been marked fixed as soon as it was reported.

Search support is pending and is taking long. It’s now being integrated with ES addon so that it doesn’t break existing forums.

Need to look into the Android 8.1 issue. Maintainance things like these costs us time and there is an update coming along every so often.

App has been improved, it’s just that the updates haven’t been pushed to everyone. This is a HUGE PAIN for us. You might remember how easy it was for us to push updates initially when we launched an every support response was almost instant. We have a plan for a control panel which would automate this but we haven’t been able to prioritize this before features and most importantly pushing new apps live. We would like do that again but we aren’t able to make costs. I’m the only one left now and I’m the one sticking to this project.

Last week we added ability to click links and open the thread/forum links natively and open the web based links in the app itself instead of going to the browser which is great for UX.

I agree that we certainly need a roadmap and a lot of help. We are going to address that with adjusting the prices so that we atleast make costs and have the ability to hire some help.
I’m deeply in pain with the situation we are in right now and thanks for sticking with us since the beginning and I’m going to stick with the ForumApps for a long time in the future.

I’ll be releasing the updating pricing by this weekend and share our private roadmap with everyone.
@PumpinIron We haven't failed and we are continuing to work on it but as you guys pointed out, it's too much to maintain and we aren't even able to cover costs. Pushing out updates to everyone is a very painful and time consuming process. So I'll be posting an update on https://forumapps.net/community/ with the updated fair pricing. Existing customers will have grandfathered pricing as promised since the start.

BTW, all the tickets mentioned above had been resolved except I believe @ichpen and a few other people who have feature requests . Our priority is to onboard and take new ForumApps partners live and start getting feedback from their community and that takes a lot of time on our end.

PS: Also going to start marketing directly to forum owners as well, which "might" mean that this thread wouldn't be present on Xenforo.com for long(Depends on the outlook of the moderators here). So you would need to follow us on: https://forumapps.net/community/
Also, for people claiming that Xenforo.com might sell us the list of its customers, they haven't sold any details of their members. I believe that this would be unethical and it never has been discussed either.

Fair enough! I firmly believe every developer should charge what it takes in order to maintain the app. Like many others, I'd be happy to pay for a good app that is both well supported and frequently maintained. You need to make a living just like all of us, and your time is worth money, so don't sell yourself short!

Could you mention why you think Tapatalk is garbage?

I've had issues with Tapatalk and native forum features not working. Maybe they've improved it since a year ago, but when I last used it, a good majority of the native XF functionality didn't work.
Fair enough! I firmly believe every developer should charge what it takes in order to maintain the app. Like many others, I'd be happy to pay for a good app that is both well supported and frequently maintained. You need to make a living just like all of us, and your time is worth money, so don't sell yourself short!

I've had issues with Tapatalk and native forum features not working. Maybe they've improved it since a year ago, but when I last used it, a good majority of the native XF functionality didn't work.
What’s were they specifically?
We’re back with some major announcements

Announcing XenForo 2 support:
ForumApps has been compatible with XenForo 2 for a very long time now and we are proud to announce that publicly today. Starting today you can download the latest version of ForumApps API 2.0 from your http://forumapps.net/clientarea/

Announcing XenForo 2.1 compatibility:
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to support XenForo 2.1 and have been testing it for the past week. If you’re planning to upgrade to XenForo 2.1, you need not wait any longer. There are no iOS or Android updates required for your users and they can continue to use the same apps with XenForo 2.1.
All you have to do is download the XenForo 2.1 addon and install it on your forum after the upgrade. The new XenForo 2.1 addon can be found on http://forumapps.net/clientarea

Service Announcement:
After having developed APIs, iOS app and Android apps for XenForo for more than 2 years and having over 5 years experience in developing custom solutions for XenForo privately, we are now open for consulting and custom development of iOS/Android apps and addons for your forums. Reach out to us via private message or on getyourownapp@forumapps.net to learn more.

Read about our pricing updates, our roadmap, and feature updates to our iOS and Android app here: https://forumapps.net/community/threads/xenforo-2-support-and-pricing-updates.174/
Aayush updated [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo with a new update entry:

XenForo 2.1 support

We’re back with some major announcements

Announcing XenForo 2 support:
ForumApps has been compatible with XenForo 2 for a very long time now and we are proud to announce that publicly today. Starting today you can download the latest version of ForumApps API 2.0 from your http://forumapps.net/clientarea/

Announcing XenForo 2.1 compatibility:
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to support XenForo 2.1 and have been testing it for the past week. If you’re...

Read the rest of this update entry...
woot....$200 per month. This is way way too much. Good luck mate.

I think with XF responsive design and push notification only a few would be interested getting an app.

How many times did you open, say Reddit.com on your browser before they released the app. Do you keep on opening the reddit app every time you are free? Do you remember typing in reddit.com earlier when you had free time? I certainly open it a lot more times now. Thats the effect that the app has over a website.

Read about the features and pricing here:

It starts at $79 with no setup fees.
$200 is NOT a lot of money for an app, not by any stretch of the imagination.

The kicker here (as @Aayush already mentioned) is that his focus is on larger forums. For a larger forum, that monthly cost is more than fair.

Have you ever had an app developed? Generally you won't find anyone to do it for less than 10k, and that's for a pretty basic app.

Anyways, unfortunately my forum isn't big enough to take advantage off the app being such a niche audience, but if I had one of those large forums (i.e. video games) you can bet your butt that $199 would be a great price.

Anyone who thinks $199 a month for an app is expensive should shut their mouth, as they clearly have no idea what's involved in maintaining and developing an app.
$200 is NOT a lot of money for an app, not by any stretch of the imagination.

The kicker here (as @Aayush already mentioned) is that his focus is on larger forums. For a larger forum, that monthly cost is more than fair.

Have you ever had an app developed? Generally you won't find anyone to do it for less than 10k, and that's for a pretty basic app.

Anyways, unfortunately my forum isn't big enough to take advantage off the app being such a niche audience, but if I had one of those large forums (i.e. video games) you can bet your butt that $199 would be a great price.

Anyone who thinks $199 a month for an app is expensive should shut their mouth, as they clearly have no idea what's involved in maintaining and developing an app.

Not to divert this topic but it's very unpolite to tell people to shut their mouth just because they voice their opinions on something. I have a very big forum with more than 50k members and I was hoping to get this at a very reasonable price. If you go back to the first pages you will see me asking about the release date for the XF2.0 version. I appreciate the effort of the author putting this app up but from my point of view which I am entitled to, the price is way too much.
Having a developers license for iOS, Android, Windows, and Amazon and having developed a live App as a side-kick to our forum I know the work involved in creating an App. I know the pains that Android brings with it’s cheaper devices and the headaches iOS brings with its vague review process. I know the costs and I know the rewards.

That said, I also know the need for continued improvement. I know the need for support. I know the need for a very polished product. Make sure you’re delivering a premium product for the premium price you’re charging.
It would be good to finally see some feature updates to the core app. Been far too long.
We recently released a lot of features. You can read more about them on

We also have a moderation panel coming for our advanced users by the end of June.
We recently released a lot of features. You can read more about them on

We also have a moderation panel coming for our advanced users by the end of June.

Cool how do I get this? Simply update the api from the client area or is there an app update?

Also are there plans to add Edit post functionality for post authors ?
You can download the updated API addon and let us know, we will push the app updates after that.
Also going to add edit post feature.
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