Forum Statistics - [Paid] [Deleted]


Well-known member
Allan submitted a new resource:

Forum Statistics - - This add-on allows you to view all the statistics of your forum, resource manager / Media Gallery

This add-on allows you to view all the statistics of your forum, resource manager and Media Gallery.

You can place each block individually in the right column or left.

Forum statistics:

  • In sidebar
    • Total threads
    • Total Posts
    • Members
    • Post today
    • User online today
    • Threads today
    • Most online users ever
    • Most Online Users today
    • Latest user
  • In blocs
    • Latest posts list...

Read more about this resource...
Thanks for linking our site as reference ;)

I am a big fan of statistics, and I was searching for such an add-on for months. Thank you very much ;)
And I already have some more ideas for statistics that could be integrated. Will post them later if it's ok.

Note that this demo only features the forum statistics, there is also the same kind of pages for resources and media gallery.
The statistics are now also activated for resources, although we use the resources in a bit different way, e.g. without download options etc.

Some things I noticed after installation:
  • would it be possible to intergrate the sub navigation for forum stats, resources stats and media gallery stats, instead of having a seperate navigation within the sidebar ?
  • pls use more of the standard XF phrases, e.g. replies, views, likes, members, threads, posts etc.
    Much easier for non-English boards ;)
  • there are 2 typos in the forum stats thread sections in the xml ("topThreads" section line 1265 and "topViewedThreads" section line 1349)
    "<a href="{xen:link thread, $threads}" class="concealed">" should be "<a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" class="concealed">"
  • an additional "center" or "middle" position would be great that uses the whole width of the site. Our "node_forum_level_2" templates is a bit different. It shows the discussions and messages next to the thread title and description, not below as the standard style. That's why the forum statistics sections look a bit strange as only half of the page width is used.
How does it handle the displaying of statistics when there are private nodes that not all members have access to such as admin forums?
  • would it be possible to intergrate the sub navigation for forum stats, resources stats and media gallery stats, instead of having a seperate navigation within the sidebar ?
    View attachment 110564

Yes, you are right that would be better, I should have thought at this.

  • pls use more of the standard XF phrases, e.g. replies, views, likes, members, threads, posts etc.

On coding side that was easier not to search for existing phrases.

  • there are 2 typos in the forum stats thread sections in the xml ("topThreads" section line 1265 and "topViewedThreads" section line 1349)
  • "<a href="{xen:link thread, $threads}" class="concealed">" should be "<a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" class="concealed">"


  • an additional "center" or "middle" position would be great that uses the whole width of the site. Our "node_forum_level_2" templates is a bit different. It shows the discussions and messages next to the thread title and description, not below as the standard style. That's why the forum statistics sections look a bit strange as only half of the page width is used.
    View attachment 110569

You mean no left/right but only a center one ?

How does it handle the displaying of statistics when there are private nodes that not all members have access to such as admin forums?

Only shows forums to which user has access to.
On coding side that was easier not to search for existing phrases.
Ok, understand.
But the most standard phrases should be easy to be located as most of them are used at least on the index page ;)
And you partially you used them, e.g. for "views" (2nd line in the code below), and added an own phrase for the same in the same block (9th line in the code below) ;)
Example: topViewedThreads
                    <div class="extra">
                        <a href="{xen:link thread, $threads}" class="concealed"><span style="font-size: 20px" class="dimmed">{xen:number $thread.view_count}</span> <span class="faint">{xen:phrase views}</span></a>
                    <h3 class="title"><a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}">{$thread.title}</a></h3>
                    <div class="info">
                        <dl class="infoStats pairsInline">
                            <dt title="{xen:phrase tc_fs_posted_on}">{xen:phrase tc_fs_posted_on}:</dt> <dd>{xen:datetime $thread.post_date}</dd>
                            <dt title="{xen:phrase tc_fs_replies}">{xen:phrase tc_fs_replies}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $thread.reply_count}</dd>
                            <dt title="{xen:phrase tc_fs_views}">{xen:phrase tc_fs_views}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $thread.view_count}</dd>

You mean no left/right but only a center one ?
No, not instead of the 2 existing options, but additionally. A 3rd option that uses the whole width of the website, at least for the forum blocks.
Or is there any possibility to force a responsive view for the forum blocks as there is only half of the site is used ?
Not sure I got your last sentence ?
Was a stupid question, forget it ;)

I made some changes in the template to avoid the problems with the top forum blocks.
Not perfect (don't know how to add the node icon) but the forum titles are now better to read with only half of the page width ;)

<xen:if is="{$key} == 'topForumsByThreads'">
        <div class="sectionMain">
            <h1>{xen:phrase tc_fs_top_x_forums_by_threads, 'count={$xenOptions.tc_fs_nb_top_forums_by_threads}'}</h1>
            <ol class="overlayScroll">
            <xen:foreach loop="$content" value="$forum">
                <li class="primaryContent statsListItem">
                    <div class="extra">
                        <span style="font-size: 20px" class="dimmed">{xen:if $forum.privateInfo, '&ndash;', {xen:number $forum.discussion_count}}</span> <span class="faint">{xen:phrase threads}</span>
                    <h3 class="title"><a href="{xen:link forums, $forum}" data-description="{xen:if @nodeListDescriptionTooltips, '#nodeDescription-{$forum.node_id}'}">{$forum.title}</a></h3>
                    <div class="info">
                    <xen:if is="{$forum.description} AND @nodeListDescriptions">
                        <blockquote class="nodeDescription {xen:if @nodeListDescriptionTooltips, nodeDescriptionTooltip} baseHtml" id="nodeDescription-{$forum.node_id}">{xen:raw $forum.description}</blockquote>

<xen:if is="{$key} == 'topForumsByPosts'"> 
  <div class="sectionMain">
  <h1>{xen:phrase tc_fs_top_x_forums_by_posts, 'count={$xenOptions.tc_fs_nb_top_forums_by_posts}'}</h1>
  <ol class="overlayScroll">
  <xen:foreach loop="$content" value="$forum">
  <li class="primaryContent statsListItem">
  <div class="extra">
            <span style="font-size: 20px" class="dimmed">{xen:if $forum.privateInfo, '&ndash;', {xen:number $forum.message_count}}</span> <span class="faint">{xen:phrase messages}</span>
  <h3 class="title"><a href="{xen:link forums, $forum}" data-description="{xen:if @nodeListDescriptionTooltips, '#nodeDescription-{$forum.node_id}'}">{$forum.title}</a></h3>
         <div class="info">
           <xen:if is="{$forum.description} AND @nodeListDescriptions">
             <blockquote class="nodeDescription {xen:if @nodeListDescriptionTooltips, nodeDescriptionTooltip} baseHtml" id="nodeDescription-{$forum.node_id}">{xen:raw $forum.description}</blockquote>

Is there a way to have the General Statistics and Top 10 Posters show on the index of the Forum, and not just on the statistics page?
No but I guess that could be feasible.

Noting it, though might not be in the next release as I am already working on it and stopped feature to implement list.
OK, thank you for the quick response. Really enjoying this add-on. (almost) Exactly what I was looking for.

Also could the Top 10 posters be in list format with the total posts and not avatar only?
That something feasible yes. Though the number of posts is displayed as tooltip if you put your mouse over an avatar.

I could have both accessible as all can be activated/deactivated through admincp options.

If you like the product don't hesitate to fullfill a review that would be greatly appreciated :)
Allan updated Forum Statistics - with a new update entry:

New features + Bugs Fixed - 1.1.0

Corrected bugs:
- Double "Statistics" in breadcrumb instead of Statistics > Media Gallery or Statistics > Resource Manager
- Wrong link for Views and Replies in the Top Viewed Threads and Top Threads statistics
- User activity saying "Viewing unknown page" when looking at the Forum Statistics

- Removal of redundant phrases

New features:
- Usergroup permission to view statistics
- Stats links added to the Statistics' subnavigation bar
- Option to disable Statistics navbar...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Nice new features ;)

Some things I found in the current version:
  • In template "tc_fs_forum_stats_display" line 63
    <h1>{xen:phrase tc_fs_top_x_liked_posts, 'count={$xenOptions.tc_fs_nb_posts_today}'}</h1>
    should be
    <h1>{xen:phrase tc_fs_top_x_liked_posts, 'count={$xenOptions.tc_fs_nb_posts_liked}'}</h1>
  • The "registered" phrase is usually used to show the date when someone registered. In German it's then the translation of "registered since".
    For the user activity stats the "members" phrase would be better (Model/OnlineStats.php line 64)
  • Is it possible to set the ticksize for the y-axis dynamically ? At least for mid and large boards 1 is very small and makes the y-axis unreadable
  • The time an x-axis is always 2 hours behind the actual time. xF time settings are correct (UTC+1) and are working for posts etc. and also for the timestamps in the visitor activity below the stats graph:
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