XF 1.1 Forum is not going properly :/ Its my first day with XenForo

Regina Ortega

Active member
Well as you can see in the image, everytime that i want to post a reply it show me this error (but the reply is posted.) My Users are avoiding it and press the Reply Buttom Again, so they are doing double post because of it, and also its very annoying :/ How i can solve it? Thanks... Im using CentOs 5, 32 bits with webmin.

That can be the result of a failed or slow SMTP connection (when sending notification emails on reply). A failed SMTP connection will normally show in the log:

Admin CP -> Tools -> Server Error Log

If the log contains mail errors then you need to check your SMTP info:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Email Options

You can also try adding this line to your library/config.php file to disable mail functions:

$config['enableMail'] = 0;

Does that fix the problem? If so then we know it's a mail problem.
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There is no such option in my forum/library/config.php

Just this (ofc with the proper settings):

$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['port'] = '3306';
$config['db']['username'] = '';
$config['db']['password'] = '';
$config['db']['dbname'] = '';
$config['superAdmins'] = '1';

Failed or slow SMTP connections should get an entry in the Bug-List IMHO.

There should be an asynchronous way to send mail ...
This is just so annoying and happens all the time with users and incorrect email addresses...

I your case, there is another error, because SMTP failures are logged.
I recommend opening a support ticket and ask for help.
So i have to add that line to my config? And it should be like this:

$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['port'] = '3306';
$config['db']['username'] = '';
$config['db']['password'] = '';
$config['db']['dbname'] = '';
$config['enableMail'] = 0;
$config['superAdmins'] = '1';

Does not it?
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