XF 2.2 Forum is mailing everything to everybody suddenly. Even private things!

Hi there,

We have a big problem!
First we had Sparkle installed for the e-mail.
Sinds last week, it wasn't working anymore due the company was taken over or something like that.
So now we have installed "Postmark", and that works.
However, all our customers ar getting e-mails from post and reply of ours. Also from private conversations and sections that are not seeable for "registerd" users.
I can't find how this is possible, and i can't find the mail que in the forum.

Is there anyone that has an idea of what this could be?
We have stopped postmark for now so people don't get mails.
But now the big question is, where the hell can i see where the problem is and then fix it!

There isn't anything in XF which would cause old emails to be resent, or emails from threads they don't have permission to view.

This sounds like it's related to the third party mail service or an add-on.
Turned this off now, hoping this was the bad guy.
It is a 'feature':

Q: Are view permissions applied?
A: No. This add-on is designed for very small forums where all members can view all content.

There are thousands of e-mails still in queue, any idea how to delete them so we can switch the mail on again and test if the problem is solved now the plug-in is removed?
Turned this off now, hoping this was the bad guy.
You can't really call it a bad guy as it makes very clear that it doesn't follow permissions
Q: Are view permissions applied?
A: No. This add-on is designed for very small forums where all members can view all content.

However it respects the applicable forums option, so if you use it you should only include public forums.
You can't really call it a bad guy as it makes very clear that it doesn't follow permissions
It's a very risky addon though, as it works on exclusion rather than inclusion.

So you can set it up all perfectly, but if in the future you add an additional forum and forget to add it to the exclusion list .... eek!
@ all

Thanks for all the responses and help.
I Talked to Andy, and yes this add-on was the problem.
He will adjust the description of the add-on to make it more clear.
And in the future i should read better :D

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