XF 2.2 Forum filters widget


Well-known member
Hi, I'm trying to display forum filters as a widget. I have the following but can't seem to get it working. Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance!

<xf:if is="$forum.prefix_cache">
    <div class="block jf_prefix_block">
        <div class="block-container">
            <div class="block-body" style="padding: 10px;">
                <a href="{{ link('canonical:forums', $forum, {'page': $page}) }}" class="labelLink">
                    <span class="label label--ctaDark">{{ phrase('all_threads_prefix') }}</span>
                <xf:foreach loop="$forum.prefix_cache" value="$PrefixId">
                    <xf:if is="$xf.options.useFriendlyUrls == '1'">
                        <a href="{{ link('forums', $forum) }}?prefix_id={$PrefixId}" class="labelLink">
                            {{ prefix('thread', $PrefixId, 'html', '') }}
                    <xf:else />
                        <a href="{{ link('forums', $forum) }}&prefix_id={$PrefixId}" class="labelLink">
                            {{ prefix('thread', $PrefixId, 'html', '') }}
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