Forum Down

Harrison V

Hello, our forums are down. It randomly occurred. Forum has been running for weeks perfectly.
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. is the error.
I've rebooted the forum and still not working. Please let me know anything.
- H
View the page source - it should show some more details.

I checked the URL in your customer area but I get a DNS lookup failure, so I'm not sure which URL you are using now.
I believe you may be referring to this?
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
It's loading fine for me.

Does it load for you when logged out?

If so, that could indicate a crashed session table.
Try repairing it using phpMyAdmin.
If your not sure how to run MySQL commands via shell. I'd strongly recommend installing phpMyAdmin to use instead.
I know how to use MySQL and the command line, but simply dont know the command to use in this specific case as I've never had this happen to me.
I posted the command above.

Replace table_name with the actual name of the table you wish to truncate, in this case xf_session.

However, my suggestion that it is the xf_session table was just a guess based on experience.
It may be something else.
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