Your new members won't agree

It affects ALL new users and having been an end user many times in this type of forum, having to wait for my posts to show is, er, discouraging to say the least. I understand why people do it and some communities need this (ones affected by spam, or ones that attract such fighting - sports, religion, politics etc

that most new posts are troublesome). But I'd caution to only do it where absolutely needed.
You see you can justify it by saying you have a good mod team, but you can't be there 24/7 and in a fast moving thread, even 10 minutes can mean a post is way down the list and gets ignored anyway when it does show. I also feel it encourages low quality posting, just to get past that magical number where you are unchained and valued as a "real" member of the community.
The other approach as per my post is to do moderation reactively, that is put problem users in that group, the number affected can be small and it also sends more of a message to them about what's expected.