You may want to also post over in the Server related area (or if
@Brogan or a moderator could move this thread) as you may get more feedback from folks more familiar with Windows as this is not really a typical script troublshooting/support issue but a server issue. I know I don't read all the areas, I only concentrate on this one and the Server one when I check here. The others may have several hundred posts but I don't visit those categories.
I would be worried that my hosting provider could not tell me what the issue was... unless you are on an unmanaged VPS and then it is your issue to resolve.
Odds are if you were using IIS it would be easier to resolve since that is the default HTTP server, but you are using Apache. Is there a reason you are not running on a Linux system?
You apparently have your forum location set in Community? Are you running another site in the base location for that domain?
If not, why did you place it in a subdirectory called /community?
You need to make sure that /community has the same ownership and permission sets that the base directory above it (known as your root directory) has.