Font Awesome Navbar Icons before Navigation-Links with CSS

Font Awesome Navbar Icons before Navigation-Links with CSS 2014-08-19

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Thank you for this! I see @Arty provided the codes for this, i'm using Black Responsive works nicely expect for this:

That small black line comes from where? hm
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[Nobita] Team
******* - Support Ticket
XenMediaGallery is allready included for the other ressources you just have to find the .class they are using. For example try .xenstaff for XenStaff. If you can't find which .class the addon uses you may contact the specific developer. Please contribute the .class names, if you know them. Thank you.

Thank you for this! I see @Arty provided the codes for this, i'm using Black Responsive works nicely expect for this:

That small black line comes from where? hm

Looks like a left border for the image. As you mentioned it I noticed it for me too. A simple line for each .class will remove this:
    border-left: none;
Updated the resource as well.

can you make one that has images only. I would like to remove the text from the nav bar.
You have to edit the templates for this case. See this resource in order to get to know how to do this. The advantage of the CSS editing is that you must not edit templates, disadvantage on the other hand is that you can't remove the titles.
So if i do this it will remove the text links, and just leave the icons as the links?

Yes, use my CSS first and then try to remove the specific code in the templates for the link. It can be hard to find the right code to remove though.
However it is also possible to not use my CSS modification and only work with templates see the linked resource for further informations.
This is my version:

Had to add an extra line into the css to change the colour of the FAicon when the tab is selected and hovered over
Rich (BB code):
/*--icon color if tab is selected--*/
   .navTabs .navLink:before {color: #ff5857;}
   .navTabs .navLink:before {color: #ff5857;}
Hey @it_
How can we target custom created page / forum nodes that are added to navbar via the Nodes as Tabs addon?

first you have to get to know the number of the specific node. You can easily find it by navigating to this note in your forum and taking a look on the webadress.

For example:
Here you would need the number 8.

Than simply replace the .class with .nodetab8 in your CSS code.

Best regards
Hi, how to add Font Awesome to new tabs in Navbar?

For example via this mod: Custom Tabs i made new tabs forexamlpe ./pages/games ./pages/translations etc.

What i need to edit?

.navTabs .publicTabs .navTab .navLink:before
   color: #FFF;
   font-family: FontAwesome;
   font-weight: normal;
   margin-right: 5px;
.navTabs .navTab.forums .navLink:before
   content: "\f0e6";
For my members link do I type the code like this:

members: "\f0o6";
Same with other sections, like admins, donate and so on.
Trying to do this, it worked for first navlink but can't get it to work for "members" navlink... what did i do wrong ?
live website:

my code:

/*=Font Awesome Icon: Forums=*/
.navTabs .navTab.forums .navLink:before
  display: block !important;
  font-family: FontAwesome;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0 px;
  left: 5px;
  border-left: none;
/*--icon to display--*/
  content: "\f03a";
/*--icon color--*/
  color: #FFF;
/*--icon size--*/
  font-size: 17px;
/*--icon color if tab is selected--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.forums.selected .navLink:before {color: #FFF;}
/*--icon color if mouse is hovered--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.forums:hover .navLink:before {color: #FFF;}
/*--adjust the px relative to the icon size--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.forums .navLink  { padding-left: 28px; }
/*=Font Awesome Icon: Forums=*/
.navTabs .navTab.members .navLink:before
  display: block !important;
  font-family: FontAwesome;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0 px;
  left: 5px;
  border-left: none;
/*--icon to display--*/
  content: "\f007";
/*--icon color--*/
  color: #FFF;
/*--icon size--*/
  font-size: 17px;
/*--icon color if tab is selected--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.members.selected .navLink:before {color: #FFF;}
/*--icon color if mouse is hovered--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.members:hover .navLink:before { color: #FFF;}
/*--adjust the px relative to the icon size--*/
  .navTabs .navTab.members.navLink  { padding-left: 28px; }
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