Not a bug Floating Navigation Bar in Screenshots


Well-known member
Affected version

not sure if this is a bug but it is quite annoying.

When I want to take a screenshot of a selected area, and then start capturing the area I want while scrolling down, the floating navigation bar moves, too. The result looks like this:

Not a lot we can do about that, unfortunately.

It is dependent on the tool you're using to take the screenshot. The one built into the Chrome dev tools must detect any stick elements and make them un-sticky as that doesn't exhibit the same effect:

I am using the newest Firefox and use its built-in screen capture device. I thought maybe with Javascript or something this can be solved, so I reported it. All fine.
We just use CSS to make it sticky (though in older browsers it's a JS based solution).

But essentially, it is possible for a screenshot tool to be a bit clever and reset the CSS it detects might cause this effect, though I guess not everyone takes that approach. But either way it would be down to the screenshot tool to implement that, like Chrome has.
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