Flagging! Keeping up regular posting


Well-known member
It's my own fault for running three forums, but how do others handle this? I post daily on all of them and keep up content etc. But sometimes I'm flagging and just want a week off. I did have to do that when unwell recently and it just starts to go very quiet if I don't post regularly - despite there being plenty of members.

One forum is easier as people come on looking for answers to questions mostly and others will reply. But again if I don't show my face, so to speak, it goes a bit quiet.

So how do others manage having a bit of time off?
I've been running my forum for 22 years and I still haven't figured this one out. I do know that when you're feeling like you're spinning your tires and putting in all the work, and others aren't participating much, it sucks. People who love your community as much as you do are rare treasures.

Sometimes I get a sense there's people who have been trained by the world to see our forums not as the community they're part of (that needs their participation to stay alive) but rather as some sort of "business" which is merely there to meet their needs and they just show up for whatever benefits it provides and then leave until the next time they want something.
Thanks. Yes my forums are on different topics - one will always be active due to the nature of it and members often stay to help and respond to other members queries - but most just leave when they've found what they needed. Which isn't a major issue as a lot of people join up.

The second one - my main one if you like - very much has that second attitude you mentioned. I think the vast majority of members are younger and single and have a kind of "social media" attitude. They take what they need, talk about themselves but don't seem to get what a community is. Then disappear for ages. The people who post the most are ones who are online the most! (If that's not stating the obvious). ie less busy.

The third one never really got off the ground - it has a few members who chat.
Thanks. Yes my forums are on different topics - one will always be active due to the nature of it and members often stay to help and respond to other members queries - but most just leave when they've found what they needed. Which isn't a major issue as a lot of people join up.

The second one - my main one if you like - very much has that second attitude you mentioned. I think the vast majority of members are younger and single and have a kind of "social media" attitude. They take what they need, talk about themselves but don't seem to get what a community is. Then disappear for ages. The people who post the most are ones who are online the most! (If that's not stating the obvious). ie less busy.

The third one never really got off the ground - it has a few members who chat.
Do what i do and put everyone on account and post approval.
So when you go in there you're only going in there to add new people and generate new discussions.
Do what i do and put everyone on account and post approval.
So when you go in there you're only going in there to add new people and generate new discussions.
Do exactly this if you want to have a max of 5 ppl in the forum including yourself.
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