🇪🇸 XenForo 2.0.12 Spanish Translation [Deleted]


Well-known member
Fulgura submitted a new resource:

🇪🇸 XenForo 2.1.0 BETA 5 Spanish Translation - XenForo 2.1.X Spanish Translation

Xenforo 2.1.0 BETA 5 Spanish translation

If you are looking for the translation for XenForo 2.0.X, please CLICK HERE.

On the follow link you can download the translations of the official add-ons directly:


Translation of XenForo 2.1.0 BETA 5 completed.


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I tried contacting Fulgura to get the file because the files from the links he gave don't work for Xenforo 2.1.4, but he never responded. I went ahead and translated it myself. If you try installing these files on 2.1.4 you'll get the following error:

The import could not be completed because the following issues were found:

This XML file relates to a particular add-on that is not installed. The add-on should be installed first.

If you are sure you want to continue with the import, select the 'Skip import checks' option and try again.
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