XF 2.1 First install of Xenforo Email issue with PathHeader


Active member
  • Error I am seeing is below with my email address removed.

  • Swift_RfcComplianceException: Email to xxx@xxxx.com failed setup: Address set in PathHeader does not comply with addr-spec of RFC 2822.
  • src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/Headers/PathHeader.php:138
I changed email options in setup from default to smtp but still get this error. Help please.
Here are my attempts to do a test email with smtp set and then using default. Then a snapshot of the error messages for both. Same exact error. I thought this was XF but maybe I need to check with my ISP.

attachments removed. Brackets around email address removed and that fixed this error.
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Click on the error and provide the stack trace and request state.
Here is that output of the error:

Error removed .... somehow default email was filled in automatically with < > around the address. Removed those and all works as it should. A duh error. Sorry and thanks for you suggestions.

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