🔥 [Foro.Agency] Colored Username Everywhere [Deleted]

We are using statistics addon shown in the screenshot:


We have 2 tabs:
1. Latest threads, in this tab the usernames displayed with colored and everything is normal, this is the code:
<div class="listBlock itemDetail itemDetailName">
<xf:username user="$thread.User" rich="true" />

2. Latest posts, in this tab the usernames displayed without color, this is the code:
<div class="listBlock itemDetail itemDetailName">
<xf:username user="{$thread.last_post_cache}" rich="true" />

Why first code is giving colored usernames while the second is not?
@[F.A] Walky Does this add-on still supported? Please can you let me know that why this Template modifications are not applied?

I am trying to set individual colors for a usergroup. I want the member to have the color of the specific Usergroup. I read a forum about it and added the custom CSS but it did not work this is what it looks like:

Am I doing something wrong? I have added is plugin but is there other code i need to imput? https://xenforo.com/community/resources/🔥-foro-agency-colored-username-everywhere.6296/
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