XF 2.2 Finding thread type


Active member
I would like to find the thread type (suggestion, article, discussion) when i'm reading, editing or when i create a new one.

If I do
my_type_2 = document.getElementsByName('discussion_type');

I get the type for a new thread, but if I reply or edit an existing one I get nothing.
How do I get the thread type when I edit or reply and not just when starting a new thread?

Thanks for any help
thank you :)
but i can't get it :/ if i look in the elements, i see "data-template="thread_view_type_article" in body, but i'm in a template using js (<xf:js>), i would like to get 'article' in the phrase 'thread_view_type_article', at least to know that there is the word 'article'.

hope we can understand what i'm saying ;)
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