MG 2.1 Finder Mediaitem.php


Hi All

I have changed orderByDate in Finder Mediaitem.php as follows because this is the only sequence we want. All looked fine. I have now spotted an issue with the thumbnail slider that comes up when you are looking at an image within a category. It looks like that isn't following the same sequence? Is there another place where the sequence of Media Items is set?


public function orderByDate($order = 'rating_sum', $direction = 'DESC')
['rating_sum', 'DESC'],
['title', 'ASC'],
['media_date', 'DESC']

return $this;
The order can be set from anywhere that creates a finder object using order(), whereas orderByDate() simply sets up a default order if no other order is specified. However, patching order() is a fairly obtuse solution and would probably cause unexpected behavior and problems. You'd probably want to patch the places which consume the finder and set the order you want there instead.
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