XF 1.5 "Find Recent Posts" Question


Well-known member
This is really in relation to an old bug report. I've come to find out that I have the same problem.

Something doesn't seem quite right with this.

As the OP states in that bug report, if rewrites (full friendly URL's) are NOT enabled, the "find_new_posts" template code uses this to display a link to get the "recent posts".
<a href="{xen:link find-new/posts, '', 'recent=1'}">{xen:phrase recent_posts}</a>

This results in a query string of:

But that link doesn't display "recent posts", it just displays the "new posts", ignoring the "recent" tag.

I think it should be producing this query string, which really isn't correct syntax, and ends up routing me to the forum index

So I guess I'm curious as to what the query string should look like for recent posts, or if maybe there is a some routing messed up here?
The link generated by XF would be the correct one. If that's not working though, you need to see if query string params are working at all. Easy way to check that would be to try to re-sort a forum by clicking one of the header labels. If that doesn't change the sort order, query string params aren't being passed to PHP correctly.
The header parms all work as they should, generating a query string simliar to:

But this morning, when I was testing things again, it looks like the Recent Posts are all now sorted correctly, so maybe it was a weird caching issue.

Anyway, all sorted now I guess.
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