Featured Thumbs

Featured Thumbs 1.0

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Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Featured Thumbs - Adds three small images to your forum list. Images change every 10 minutes. Images link back to post


Featured Thumbs will display three small images in your header. The images are attachments that your members have posted. Images will change every 10 minutes. Images when clicked will display the message the attachment was posted in.

(Example of Featured Thumbs)

View attachment 153050

(Example of Options page)

View attachment 153051

  • Adjustable image size
  • Images can be selected from any forum
  • Cron job will rotate images...

Read more about this resource...
Andy, sorry to bother you again. I am attempting to use this addon and get 3 broken images. Upon further inspection I attempted to run the cron on it and get this server error:
Server Error

file_get_contents(/home/coffeero/public_html/forum/internal_data/attachments/0/-.data): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. file_get_contents() in Andy/FeaturedThumbs/CronEntry/FeaturedThumbs.php at line 145
  3. Andy_FeaturedThumbs_CronEntry_FeaturedThumbs::runFeaturedThumbs()
  4. call_user_func() in XenForo/Model/Cron.php at line 357
  5. XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Cron.php at line 213
  6. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Cron->actionRun() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  7. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  8. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/coffeero/public_html/forum/admin.php at line 13
Any thoughts?
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