The RSS feed importer automatically imports feed entries from an RSS feed. Each entry in the feed creates a new thread.
When importing a Podcast feed, the feed entries provide an <itunes:summary>...</itunes:summary> element and an <enclosure /> element.
Example of a podcast feed item from
The enclosure element has the mp3 resource of the podcast. The itunes:summary element describes the topic and content of the podcast so that a reader can decide whether the podcast is relevant and interesting to them before listening to it.
Xenforo provides a template to configure the markup of the thread content when we import the feed entries:
In the present form (Xenforo v2.2.1), the content of itunes:summary is not available as a template variable (eg: {summary}). In addition to that, the {content} variable is empty, which results in a thread being created with only a title and an mp3.
Our members have complained that it is annoying to them that they cannot see any description of the podcast before listening to it.
I have found that it is easy to provide the content of the itunes:summary element to the template as a {summary} variable with only one line of PHP code. As a result, a thread is created that contains the podcast and summary:
That is an ideal solution and I think it should be considered an ideal feature of XF RSS Importer.
The change I have made is in a file that belongs to Xenforo core, so it is now triggering the periodic file integrity script and generating a big red warning message in the Admin Panel:
The error message cannot be dismissed and it is reflecting poorly upon my proficiency as a developer.
I would like to request that Xenforo may consider adding the change to the core so that the itunes:summary text is available by design.
The change is found on line 136 of /src/XF/Service/Feed/Reader.php:
Original code:
New code:
Note the addition of the 'summary' array property above the 'content' property:
That converts plain text line breaks to html <br /> tags and then sanitises the text according to the existing rules for the 'content' property. No other changes are needed for this feature.
When importing a Podcast feed, the feed entries provide an <itunes:summary>...</itunes:summary> element and an <enclosure /> element.
Example of a podcast feed item from
<title>Teaching Boys to Respect Women</title>
<itunes:subtitle />
<itunes:author>Guest: Dave Willis</itunes:author>
<itunes:summary>In a discussion based on his book "Raising Boys Who Respect Girls," Dave Willis offers parents advice for cultivating within their young sons a healthy respect for others, particularly girls and women.
Get Dave's book for your donation of any amount:
Get more episode resources:
If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:</itunes:summary>
<pubDate>Wed, 28 Oct 2020 10:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<itunes:image href="" />
<guid isPermaLink="false">a78b265a39b584edc1ab0dba83c55c5b</guid>
<enclosure url="" length="0" type="audio/mp3" /><feedburner:origEnclosureLink></feedburner:origEnclosureLink></item>
The enclosure element has the mp3 resource of the podcast. The itunes:summary element describes the topic and content of the podcast so that a reader can decide whether the podcast is relevant and interesting to them before listening to it.
Xenforo provides a template to configure the markup of the thread content when we import the feed entries:
In the present form (Xenforo v2.2.1), the content of itunes:summary is not available as a template variable (eg: {summary}). In addition to that, the {content} variable is empty, which results in a thread being created with only a title and an mp3.
Our members have complained that it is annoying to them that they cannot see any description of the podcast before listening to it.
I have found that it is easy to provide the content of the itunes:summary element to the template as a {summary} variable with only one line of PHP code. As a result, a thread is created that contains the podcast and summary:
That is an ideal solution and I think it should be considered an ideal feature of XF RSS Importer.
The change I have made is in a file that belongs to Xenforo core, so it is now triggering the periodic file integrity script and generating a big red warning message in the Admin Panel:
The error message cannot be dismissed and it is reflecting poorly upon my proficiency as a developer.
I would like to request that Xenforo may consider adding the change to the core so that the itunes:summary text is available by design.
The change is found on line 136 of /src/XF/Service/Feed/Reader.php:
Original code:
$entryData = [
'id' => $entry->getId(),
'title' => html_entity_decode($entry->getTitle(), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'),
'description' => html_entity_decode($entry->getDescription(), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'),
'date_modified' => $dateModified,
'author' => $this->getAuthorsAsString($entry->getAuthors()),
'link' => $entry->getLink(),
'content' => $this->getContent($content)
New code:
$entryData = [
'id' => $entry->getId(),
'title' => html_entity_decode($entry->getTitle(), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'),
'description' => html_entity_decode($entry->getDescription(), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'),
'date_modified' => $dateModified,
'author' => $this->getAuthorsAsString($entry->getAuthors()),
'link' => $entry->getLink(),
'summary' => $this->getContent(nl2br($entry->getSummary())),
'content' => $this->getContent($content)
Note the addition of the 'summary' array property above the 'content' property:
'summary' => $this->getContent(nl2br($entry->getSummary())),
That converts plain text line breaks to html <br /> tags and then sanitises the text according to the existing rules for the 'content' property. No other changes are needed for this feature.