Fanpage likes under logo


New member
I'm trying to add facebook Like - Count button under my forum logo.
I expermineted with templates and firebug and managed to set it up correctly.

Added this code below my logo:
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="125" data-show-faces="true" style="padding-left: 86px; line-height: 0;"></div>
Now when I refresh my site and look into code I see that xenforo added some additional classes for this element and it looks like this:
class="fb-like fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget"

Is this some javascript changing it? How can I fix it ? (you can check it on my dev site: as these additional classes crash my header layout :/
I don't have this problem on my forum. When I add your code to the templates it shows unchanged in the source code.

Your dev site requires a login. I can't access it.
Sorry it's test/test.
It's funny, when I add it via firebug it works fine, when I add it in templates it adds these classes.
Do you have facebook applications setup on your xenforo ?
I see this in your source code:

                        <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="125" data-show-faces="true" style="padding-left: 86px; line-height: 0;"></div>

No extra classes.

Do you have facebook applications setup on your xenforo ?

I do not.
Yep, check it in firebug, when I view source code it's 'fb-like' only. In firebug it looks like these classess are added by browser (I'm just learning but looks like some browser script adds it)
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