fake/spam accounts driving us insane

I disagree with this. Leave signatures and PMs on, it makes it easier to find the spammers.

Check out my mod XenUtiles... it has stop forum spam and a "spam bot finder". The spam bot finder works by searching for URLs in people's profiles. If it finds them, it lists the user in the list, with their relevant information. From there you can decide if they are a bot or not and delete them.

Clearly you haven't had the situation of over 100 spammers joining per day and staff resigning due to being sick and tired of deleting their posts. Differing levels of spam require different approaches. Just ask moviemarshal.com.au .... oh wait you can't as they shut down due to the share volume of spam they were getting.
i've just stopped new registrations in my vb forum... cant fight with this crap any more. seriously, never seen this bad before.
recaptcha seems useless to me now...
You need to create user groups and pre-moderate all new member posts, if they post spam it will not be seen by the public, then you can delete it and ban them and their IP's.

Move your real members into a super user group so they can post without moderation.

You don't have to close registrations that way.
Anthony, i am doing it for 3 years, mate.
no pm for them, no sig for them, their posts are always moderated, yet they attack like billions of ants to us!
they just trying to post (but we have plugin that not allow anyone below 5 posts to post links)
today i started to ban ip addresses but cant go any more, i feel like i banned half of the world!
so, no new members for few days... need to find really working solutions.
You and the rest of the forum operators in the world, what is needed is software firewall on your server to filter out bad IP's, but try to find a technical administrator who really knows his stuff to run it, that is the problem.

Read my post here and follow the link in it to read about one of the best firewalls in the world created by a data center administrator.

The question is, do you have the man to run it ??
I was getting spammers who were just signing up to place their website link on their profile. Here is an If statement to only show the website field when the user has a certain amount of posts, its set to 3 on this one but if the user has 0 - 3 posts then text will show saying that they need at least 3 post to add their website. You must edit the account_personal_details template to get this to work. Find the following:

<dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dt><label for="ctrl_homepage">{xen:phrase home_page}:</label></dt>
            <dd><input type="url" name="homepage" value="{$visitor.homepage}" id="ctrl_homepage" class="textCtrl" /></dd>

Change with:

<dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dt><label for="ctrl_homepage">{xen:phrase home_page}:</label></dt>
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.message_count} > 3">
<dd><input type="url" name="homepage" value="{$visitor.homepage}" id="ctrl_homepage" class="textCtrl" /></dd>
<xen:else />
<dd>You must have at least 3 forum posts to add your website.</dd>

Change the 3 to the number of posts you want, to allow users to add a website.

Thanks to Jake Bunce for helping me with this here:

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