FaceRig.US - FaceRig Addon & Community


Well-known member
Hello everyone, http://www.facerig.us is a xenforo website I've had up for a little bit now, and it's starting to get a lot of major traffic (From 1k-10k a day) due to the shear amount of publicity FaceRig is getting, and the fact that FaceRig and myself have been helping eachother out from day one :D (I'm a moderator on their official website).

I feel that the website is now 100% done, and looking how the community wants it. (We did a huge vote, and this is how the community once it to look, so I've made it to the best of my capabilities)

The forum theme is just a modified version of the Default theme I made (With the help of some amazing people who posted some amazing tutorials/resources)

Feel free to give me constructive criticism, and any advice on anything. I've never managed a super huge forum before, and From the fact that we've been gaining around 10 users a day I can only assume that this will get big over time. So, and advice on the matter would be helpful :)

Thank you all in advance for checking it out, and giving me some helpful advice.
I love what you've done with the board. Those are great colors you put in there. It all comes together to create a vibrant design!
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