Duplicate Facebook Like Home Page


Active member
I wonder if XenForo would consider were the Home Button is converting that page to make a page that looks like Facebook? I think that would be a GREAT add-on for XenForo. For all the advantages XenForo gives I think this type of add-on would a nail in the coffin for a lot of other social network software's.
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Hi Brogan
No Problem, ok lets break it up to 3 columns, lets take the left column you could put some kind link to a news feeds, events etc.. Under that you could put Friend feed, under that you could put a Group feed etc? Center section like Facebook show comments with the users interacting? Right column you could put upcoming birthdays and other sidebar's?? just take a look at Facebook to give you some ideas with this type of add-on like I said XenForo is so stable I think this would put to bed any rivals in the software world! What do you think?

Hi Jeremy
Not really just look at your Facebook main page it give you a snapshot of want is going on with the site, your friends etc. You would have to link different thing to show up on this well Homepage?

I have marked this as a duplicate as there are already suggestions for a portal, home page, customised entrance page, etc.
Hi Degrinch
I took a look at what you suggest, yes that would be about right. I have used many different software packages vBulletin, Boonex, XenForo, JomSocial many more.. I find XenForo the most STABLE THING on the MARKET TODAY its easy to use and I really thing if XenForo or someone wrote LOL this PORTAL XenForo would end up the top dog on the market today....... OH and stay away from JomSocial that is the more asinine piece of software I have EVER run into.......

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