Extra Node Information by Waindigo [Deleted]

Okay, for what is then the "Category Class Name:...." box?
It is for exactly what you are doing. But you have to write your own CSS, either directly into the EXTRA.css template, or by linking another CSS file (as described).
I have CSS classes specified on some category nodes, but these are not coming through, even on the default style.
Can you tell me where these classes are being applied because the template modifications reference node_category_level_2 -
My categories on the forum list are using node_category_level_1

Where is node_category_level_2 used?
I have CSS classes specified on some category nodes, but these are not coming through, even on the default style.
Can you tell me where these classes are being applied because the template modifications reference node_category_level_2 -
My categories on the forum list are using node_category_level_1

Where is node_category_level_2 used?
Level 2 categories are the categories that look like forums. Level 1 categories are not supported at present. This is as designed.
I'm trying to use this with svg node icons.

Once I set the svg file path and a class name to style it, I can't set to it, for example, background-size:100% because is overwritten from the element styles

<span class="nodeIcon" style="background: url('styles/test/node_test.svg');" title=""></span>

elements {
background: url('styles/test/node_test.svg') repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url('styles/test/nodo_test.svg');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-attachment: scroll;
background-position: 0% 0%;
background-clip: border-box;
background-origin: padding-box;
background-size: auto auto;

Maybe to do that I don't need this addon but is better to do it manually like here?
This is how I added faded node icons for read forums:

In extra.css, add:

.unread .nodeIcon {opacity:1;}
.nodeIcon {opacity:0.4;}

If there's a better way to do it, let me know :)
This is how I added faded node icons for read forums:

In extra.css, add:

.unread .nodeIcon {opacity:1;}
.nodeIcon {opacity:0.4;}

If there's a better way to do it, let me know :)

Doesn't work for me, i'm using xenforo 1.4.3.
The opacity does change, but i can't see 100% opacity for unread threads.
It worked.

I had above the css code.
//** fade node icons **//

I changed it into /*fade node icons*/ and it worked after i changed it.
Does the add-on support inheritance? As in if I set an icon at the category level will it apply to all children?
I'm wondering if someone can help me, I want to make it so that none of the node backgrounds repeat themselves but I'm not completely sure how to do this.
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