XF 2.2 Extra Attributes for nav links question.

oO5 Dynasty

Well-known member
I was wondering if their was a list of all the different attributes you can use on the navigation links.
I dont know all the attributes you can add.
Also I see some are named differently, such as (target) is different from (data-xf-init)

So is there a page that has all of these so I can know what is available to use when creating navigation links.
You can use any normal anchor attributes and any JS handlers (data-xf-* and their corresponding data-* options), though the latter isn't comprehensively documented. The most notable for links is likely data-xf-click="overlay" to open them in an overlay. Also, you might want to use title instead of data-original-title for tooltips so they degrade more gracefully without JS.
You can use any normal anchor attributes and any JS handlers (data-xf-* and their corresponding data-* options), though the latter isn't comprehensively documented. The most notable for links is likely data-xf-click="overlay" to open them in an overlay. Also, you might want to use title instead of data-original-title for tooltips so they degrade more gracefully without JS.
thank you sooo much
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