Fixed External URL Resource Button shows text "Download"

Affected version

I have XenForo Resource Manager 2.0.4 and it has a bug.
The button to access an External URL resource shows the text "Download". It should be something else, like Visit Page, Go to External URL, or whatever you think best.

I tried to look at the template code (xfrm_resource_wrapper_macros) and the database, but I ran into problems.
In the database, xf_rm_resource.resource_type is 'download' for my external URL resource. o_O
xf_rm_resource.external_url is empty. Where is the external URL stored? o_O
However, despite of these anomalies the resource actually works on the site and it redirects to the right site and page.

Could you please fix this problem for the next patch?

Best regards,
We've made some changes here in RM 2.1. We now display a "Go to download" button, as demonstrated here:
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