XF 1.2 Exporting Style : DOMDocument Not Found.


When attempting to export any style, I receive this error:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/betterverse/wwwgit/forum/library/XenForo/Model/Style.php on line 448, referer: http://www.betterverse.net/forum/admin.php?styles/

I recently upgraded from CentOS' official PHP (5.3) to webtatic's php55w, so this is very likely related to that.

Hoping that this can be resolved without a PHP downgrade.
Thank you. I was missing two dependencies. I went to Xenforo's installation page (Had to temporarily remove the install lock), and it re-assessed my installation.

All set now.

Edit: Appears that I'm mistaken. I'm still seeing
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /var/www/betterverse/wwwgit/forum/library/Lgpl/utf8.php on line 20
in my logs, though I'm unsure what it stems from.
Oh, neat. I installed Xenforo ages ago, haven't really messed much with it since.

As a side note, the remaining error was a result of me not having the mbstring extension for PHP. Yay.
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