Export to PDF

Hi there,
i´m hosting a wedding-community and my members like to save / export a thread to a PDF.
I know, there are add ons to print a thread, but is there a way export a thread?
Would be nice, if someone could help me, and sorry for my english:)
When we developed that add-on:
Thread Print - ThemesCorp.com

Our goal was at first to provide the capability to create the pdf. Our attempt more or less failed.
There are libraries that provides the capability to create pdf from php but all them will fail on images due to server rights issue (security purpose you know).

And as Au lait said, your browser already does that better than any php stuff :)
@derandechser our free add-on I pointed to is more like a printable thread version display which, with a pdf creator free software, would let you print to pdf, with formatting.
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