XF 2 Escrow service supporting BTC implemention!


Well-known member
Hello Guys,

We seek a reliable and trustworthy developer for a Escrow system which supports both PayPal but also bitcoins and even more ALT coins if possible.

I'm not aware of if there is a system already available for V2.1 so we need someone to do the job.

We will not be able to give direct access to the live enviroment but will setup a dedicated server for only this purpose, after you finished the job we will need some details on how to integrate your Escrow with the live forum, I consider this a little like the many plugins and add-ons that can be installed, same procedure.

Is that possible? Then please PM me or reply here in the thread.

NOTE: We want to be the ESCROW service we don't want to integrate to a 3rd party, so it is a full blown escrow system integrated with our Xenforo we look for.
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Have to update this thread:

Guys if you contact me by PM and you ask for more information then at least let me know if you can do the job or not and if you are too busy or not. This is annoying way some of you handle a simple job proposal.
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