Error with DataWriter


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Hi !

I have an error with my DataWriter code :)
When I try to save a new custom text in a field of a table of my DB I have this error :

The requested user could not be found.
The field 'csrf_token' was not recognised.
PLease enter a valid password.
The field 'scheme_class' was not recognised.
The field 'data' was not recognised.
The field 'language_id' was not recognised.

Here is my datawriter code :

class onglet_DataWriter_Onglet extends XenForo_DataWriter_User
    protected function _getFields()
       return array(
           'xf_user_profile' => array(
                   => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'maxLength' => 25)
    protected function _getExistingData($data)
        if (!$userId = $this->_getExistingPrimaryKey($data, 'user_id'))
            return false;

        if (!$user = $this->_getUserModel()->getFullUserById($userId))
            return false;

        $returnData = $this->getTablesDataFromArray($user);
        $returnData['xf_user_authenticate'] = $this->_getUserModel()->getUserAuthenticationRecordByUserId($userId);

        return $returnData;

    * Gets SQL condition to update the existing record.
    * @return string
    protected function _getUpdateCondition($tableName)
        return 'user_id = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->getExisting('user_id'));

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