RM 1.2 Error in trying to add a new resource


in memoriam 1947-2022
When I try to create a test listing, I get this error:

The requested resource could not be found.

I'm trying to create the listing in a valid category. I am an Admin so I have full permissions for access. It is a straight service announcement listing, no uploads, no fee for viewing or anything like that. All the usergroup permissions appear to be valid.

The error is not helpful at all, obviously. It just tells me there is an error with no clues as to what error or how to correct it.

Added: When I submit the new resource, the resource is not created (see error above) but it does post the synopsis to the correct forum thread.
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This was the problem:

XenForo_Exception: Temporary image directory is not set. - library/Andy/ConvertImageResource/DataWriter.php:32
Generated By: djbaxter, Today at 4:15 PM

I hadn't created or specified the location of the temp directory for @AndyB's add-on.
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