Does this look familiar to anyone and what might be causing it?
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Field 'atp_dont_track_this_ext' doesn't have a default value - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
I think it is Advanced Attachments too. Irritating thing is I removed that addon months ago
Seems some code is still active. Asked @au lait to help out.
Actually it was because I had the add-on disabled, but it was causing issues with some other add-on's too. I would make sure you have all add-on's enabled. If you had one or more disabled, it can cause the error.
You want to ENABLE all of them. A DISABLED add-on will cause the error, so if you have them all disabled, you will get the error. If you have any of them disabled, it can cause the error.
In one of my forums I had this installed previously and uninstalled each legacy add-on before upgrading to 2.1 . Now I am stuck with the same problem and au_lait is gone. Anyone an idea how to get rid of this?