XF 2.0 Embedding an HTML resource with Imports


I am attempting to embed an HTML resource into a page node on my Xenforo website. I used to use iframe to accomplish this, but this has been deprecated for some time. In trying to keep up with the latest best practice, I have found that HTML5 has a nifty import feature which should accomplish what I want.

The problem here is that immediately I need to link the resource itself in the head of the page. I haven't gotten too deep into Xenforo yet, but I imagine that's not something you can do using "Template HTML" on the new page form. Is there a good way to do this?

The resource I am trying to embed is Dynmap (http://www.Angels-Reach.com:8123/) and it is hosted on the same machine as the rest of the website. It currently is configured to require it's own login, is there any way to make this login and the Xenforo login the same? It would be nice not to require users to register twice.

I could disable the login/registration from Dynmap entirely but it gives me a secure way to show the user only their own location on the map which is beneficial and I would be sacrificing that.
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