Embed Pixlr to Pages

Embed Pixlr to Pages


Well-known member
The8thLegion submitted a new resource:

Embed Pixlr to Pages (version 1.0) - Embed Pixlr Online Photo Editor Into The Forum

In your AdminCP click on Applications - admin.php?applications/

Under Node Tree click on 'Create New Page' - admin.php?pages/add

In the Basic Information tab fill out the following:

URL Portion: pixlr
Title: Pixlr
Description: Pixlr Editor is a powerful free online image editor
Select a Parent Node
Display order
Display in node list (yes or no)

Now go to the Page Options tab.

In Template HTML, add the following embed code:

<table width="950" border="0">

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I love this, it's perfect having a page to refer users to where they can edit their avatars and other images without leaving the site if they don't have photoshop or are unfamiliar with image editing programs in general.

Is there a reason why you put it in a table though? I found it still worked simply inserting the iframe into the page.

For those with fluid width themes you can change the with to 100% and it gives you a much larger canvas to work with.

You can also embed their basic 'express' editor too by changing the iframe src to http://pixlr.com/express

I've got two pages now so those who are unfamiliar with advanced image editors can use the express version :)
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