XF 2.2 Email styling?


Active member
We got this from a customer and I'm not sure how to change the Thread title background. Is it possible without changing anything in the forum?

I see this code... is there something we can add to it to change the thread background color to white, or thread text to white?
<xf:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
        <xf:set var="$header">
            <a href="{{ link('canonical:threads', $thread) }}">{$thread.title}</a>
I see this code... is there something we can add to it to change the thread background color to white, or thread text to white?
<xf:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
        <xf:set var="$header">
            <a href="{{ link('canonical:threads', $thread) }}">{$thread.title}</a>
Go to style properties > Emails

From there you can change the header text color and also try sending a test mail to yourself. This way you can make sure the colors are appropriate.
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