Eliminate forums from "What's New?" or make forum "autoread"


Active member
I am using the feed reader to bring in some feeds to the forum. However I don't want them to show as unread for my users.

So I want to eliminate those forums from the whats new or even better mark those posts as read by everyone.

Anyone got any good ideas?
You will likely need to edit the code to exclude specific forums from the feed.

You can always try posting in the dev forum for some help on how to do that or ask in the add-ons request forum.
I am using the feed reader to bring in some feeds to the forum.
Good idea.
However I don't want them to show as unread for my users.
So I want to eliminate those forums from the whats new or even better mark those posts as read by everyone.
Good idea.
Except ... maybe a good solution would just to have less Feed Reader Posts ?
Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
I gave up since I am not getting any help so I removed all my feeds as they are useless in this software without the possiblity to eliminate them from whats new and unread.

I wrote my own module for xenporta and use that to show rss feeds.
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