XF 1.3 E-mail to users never being received


Active member
I am using Xenforo Beta 1.3 and I tried to send an e-mail to all my users (including myself), but they never received them. Not in the spam folder, not on their inbox, so it never came to them...

Is this a known bug?
This isn't a bug with XenForo.

The problem is more than likely to be with either how mail is set up (server side) or a configuration issue.

Copy/paste the PHP code below, edit $recipient to YOUR email address, name it mail-test.php and upload to your forum directory (it's safe).

$recipient = 'your@email.com';
$subject = 'test email';
$message = 'hello, world!'
$headers = 'From: local@domain.com' . "\r\n" .
    'Reply-To: webmaster@domain.com' . "\r\n" .
    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers);
echo 'email has been accepted for delivery, check your inbox.';

Go to your browser and go to test-mail.php, it should send you an email, if it doesn't, your problem is with your server configuration and your host would need to help with that.
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