XF 2.2 Dropdown menu in admin panel don't work


Active member
I can't use any dropdown in the add-ons admin panel or quick search on page with add-ons list (search works correctly on other pages) anymore:
Console errors:
core-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'has')
    at S.fn.init.onPassive (core-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:5)
    at core-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:83
    at core-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:83
    at core-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:170

stats-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'newHandler')
    at stats-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:10
    at stats-compiled.js?_v=9d16154c:16

admin.min.js?_v=9d16154c:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'acpNav')
    at admin.min.js?_v=9d16154c:1
    at admin.min.js?_v=9d16154c:10

I've already disabled all add-ons.
Re-uploaded all js files with no success.
Rebuild master data (php cmd.php xf:rebuild-master-data).

Anyone knows what can I do more?
So, my solution already was here:
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