
Doppler 1.1

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Well-known member
Recommended Cron Job:

I suggest creating a Cron so the NOAA Doppler image is copied every 5 minutes to your server. That way your forum list will load faster. This Cron would be created on your server.

Example of a PHP file you would call from your servers Cron.


// define dopplerUrl
$dopplerUrl = '';

// define dopplerPath
$dopplerPath = '/home/southbay/www/misc/doppler.gif';

// copy remote image to server
copy($dopplerUrl, $dopplerPath);
Last edited:
When I put the link in the local field, it worked...
When it was in the remote, it showed broken image...

How do I remove Large View Text??

Thanks for addon
Our site covers the westcoast will this work covering that large of an area?
Our outdoor niche could use this information but would need a regional areas like the whole west coast.
For the first line of the template code, I had to change this:
<xen:if is="{$visitor.permissions.sidebarExtraThreeGroupID.sidebarExtraThreeID}">

To this:
<xen:if is="{$visitor.permissions.sidebarExtraOneGroupID.sidebarExtraOneID}">

After that little edit, all was well. :)
Recommended Cron Job:

I suggest creating a Cron so the NOAA Doppler image is copied every 5 minutes to your server. That way your forum list will load faster. This Cron would be created on your server.

Example of a PHP file you would call from your servers Cron.


// define dopplerUrl
$dopplerUrl = '';

// define dopplerPath
$dopplerPath = '/home/southbay/www/misc/doppler.gif';

// copy remote image to server
copy($dopplerUrl, $dopplerPath);

Can this be done from the AdminCP under Cron Entries? The options for that are kind of confusing.
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