Donation Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

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Add-ons change of ownership

I have been out of time to be able to do anything and been seeking someone to take over things and get them back up to date where needed but more importantly provide satisfactory support. I have finally found someone suitable to take over, that person is vbgamer45 who will be operating from

He will be taking over ownership of the Donation Manager (including Donation Manager Sidebar), Ad Manager and Profile Completion Steps. With this everything will be moved to and licenses updated accordingly. Please remember it will take him a while to get up to speed so don’t expect new releases right away.

License Agreement Changes
The license you agreed to is essentially unchanged other than changing some names from old to new ownership. Privacy Policy also has the same changes. You will still be able to login and download or purchase new add-ons just like normal, only you will be doing it on a new domain.

Deprecated Add-ons
Edit History was previously removed from sale and now Simple Gallery is as well for obvious reasons. If you purchased these add-ons back when they were on sale you will still be able to download them from for the time being however there will be no more progress in their developments. These add-ons will most likely be open sourced.

Due to having no time there are a lot of questions gone unanswered. You will now be able to get proper support for any issues you have under a new support system.

Media Gallery
So the subject you all want to crucify me for. I have given refunds from this failure to people who have requested it and plan to refund every single person, I just need to get around to it and be able to afford it. Anyone who still hasn’t got a refund can get one right away (or once money permits) by contacting me. Otherwise you will get it when I sort out who hasn’t gotten one yet, PayPal makes it hard to find transactions otherwise this would have been done already. This is still on me and the “debt” isn’t part of this change of ownership.[/B]
I contacted him on his site and also sent a Tweet, and then a few hours this came :). Great to hear someone will take over this plugin (and others) as I really want to buy this.
Just purchased this and installed.

I have 2 issues I can't figure out. I have User Upgrades set so when someone donates it gives them a donator prefix on the forums and the ability to change their user title. Can this be tied into that? Screenshot:

View attachment 95314

2nd: How can I move the position of the widgets to say the top?

Use the user promotions criteria to modify a user who has donated to give them a group for that sort of thing etc.
The donation manager sidebar add-on (also transferred so now supported) gives this compatibility with the widget framework so you have more control over it if needed.
@Robbo @vbgamer45

Firstly thank you Robbo for passing this onto vbgamer45 for additional work - it's much appreciated.

Secondly, hello vbgamer45! :)

this question seems well timed... (also ties in with the question above...)

Use the user promotions criteria to modify a user who has donated to give them a group for that sort of thing etc.

I would love to be able to use the user promotions as mentioned here (didnt realise that existed either!), however it has to have a duration of 365 days from when the donation was made (ie. one year).
If a promotion already exists, it needs to extend it to the max of one year (basically ignoring whats there and renewing it, for want of a better way of putting it).

So to but it simply - all i want to be able to do is take a user that has donated any amount above say £10, automatically promote the user to a different group for a period of 365 days, and then if they make another donation within that year, refresh their promotion for another year from the current date.
Obviously once the year is up with no further donations, the promotion expires, and they go back to normal.

Is _any_ of this possible under what exists already? Currently i Get the paypal donation e-mail, and then manually have to go in and promote them...

Cheers guys,
Oh hold on - let me guess (missed this bit!!)...


That looks more like it - I guess from the above that it should work :)

Doesnt work... :(

If i set up a promotion to add a person to user group "site supporter", run the Cron entry "user Group Promotions" manually, they don't get promoted if they have donated in the previous 12 months.

Have checked several users now - all donated successfully Via this add-on, however none have been "upgraded" :(

Any suggestions???
The criteria system in XenForo may have changed at some point, when I last tested it all it worked well.
Not sure, i know recently in a pretty random way it's not promoting / showing notices to users who meet the donation criteria, other times it does.
I know one of the really need-to-change is the archived goals, i already had to re-create goals and add manually every donation because once it archived it pretty much "deleted" the donations inside and the criteria did not apply. I already leave all my goals to do nothing once they end so this stops happening. (Archived Goals Page Please)
@Robbo Hi there i trying to change my password because i forgot my pass to download the update but i getting a error.
  1. This website is still undergoing updates. Not all product sections have been fully updated and the FAQ's haven't been written yet. This is scheduled to be done as soon as time permits.
Mercenary Design - Error
Your password could not be reset. Please try again.
Still waiting response on this need to update please .
My donation manager no longer recognizes manually added donations (which were the only ones that worked). Always shows $0 raised so far, which is often incorrect.
I'd really love to see the following:
-Stripe Integration
-Message (defined) member(s) when donation is made. (For use if ranks or other things are done manually by specific staff)
-Integration with Account Upgrades (Account upgrades show on donation goal)
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