XF 2.1 Does Google index the replies in a thread and does it show hits from them in the search results?


Active member
And a related question is how much weightage does Google give to the content in the replies to the thread over the first post in the thread?

In Google's structured data testing tool for Xenforo, I can see the names of those who post replies in the "Person" schema tags. But the full text of what they posted in their replies is not there, like it is presented to Google via the "UserComments" schema tags in the Schema wordpress theme. Is Xenforo open to adding this UserComments or a similar schema tag with the full text of each of the replies, in order to get the replies indexed by Google even better than presently @Mike @Chris D or it won't make a difference?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Please see this post by @dutchbb :

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