XF 2.1 Do images optimize on upload?

This may be a silly question, but does Xenforo automatically optimize images that go above the requirements?

I have my upload for images set to 1mb, and uploaded a 2.6mb file to test, but it uploaded without error. But when I view and download the image, it's only 320kb...

Is the 2.6mb file still on my server somewhere? Just want to make sure that the images aren't going to bloat somewhere unexpected on me as we have lots of people uploading.
Only 1 copy of the image is left.

If you're getting tons of uploads, i highly recommend getting the s3 adapter together and putting all your attachments there.

I offloaded about 30gb of them last year and it runs about $7 a month in aws cost with cloudfront.
in exchange, i was able to downgrade my server costs to half as it needed far less processing and serving power.
@briansol Thanks for that. I was going to start looking to see if there was an integration for that. Is there a specific plugin or adapter you are using that is working well? Link?

Prefer to use one that other people suggest since I'm still very new to Xenforo

@Brogan Good call out! I did find the thumbnail when I went digging, but I was mainly concerned about the 2.6mb one. Happy it resizes them automatically :D
I was going to start looking to see if there was an integration for that. Is there a specific plugin or adapter you are using that is working well? Link?
Yup, thumbnail + 1 full size, sorry if that was misleading.

Setting up S3 was a bit tricky at first, the bucket perms are a bit confusing. I think I have a post in that thread with what worked and maintained some sense of security for the attachments.
I used s3cmd to move all the attachments over.

A gotchya - i deleted too much from the internal_data/ folder (template cache/etc) so tread carefully there when cleaning up the folders. Not all of it is used on s3 - it stays local.
DO Spaces is nice. Have tried it in the past and much simpler to get started compared to S3. I am currently using BackBlaze B2 (10GB free) as I just started using attachments feature so my usage is very low. Wasabi is another option you can look at. Much cheaper than DO. StackPath is another one with good solid pricing.
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