Digital Point Social Bar [Deleted]

I see this in error log:
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object - library/DigitalPointSocialBar/ControllerPublic/SocialBar.php:32

How to fix this?
site validation fails.... No link given on how to resolve it - as it says it will

Cant get hold of anyone either Grrr Just paid $20 too!
site validation fails.... No link given on how to resolve it - as it says it will

Cant get hold of anyone either Grrr Just paid $20 too!
Shawn is in a place without internet access and with limited freedom since July 14th. That must have got something to do with this issue.

When I try to install the plugin, I get this message:

Error - Digital Point Social Bar requires a valid caching mechanism defined within your XenForo config.php.

I have the caching lines in the config.php file:

$config['cache']['cacheSessions'] = true;
$config['cache']['enabled'] = true;
$config['cache']['frontend'] = 'Core';
$config['cache']['frontendOptions']['cache_id_prefix'] = 'xf_';
$config['cache']['backend'] = 'File';
$config['cache']['backendOptions'] = array(

How can I get the plugin to install? Thank you very much!
It doesn't check your config, rather it checks if the XenForo application returns a cache object when making the XenForo_Application::getCache() call. I suspect a File cache is maybe not considered a normal caching system for XenForo? It's looking for something more along the lines of memcache, redis, apc, etc.
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